Saturday 16 April 2016

Adidas UK’s new experiential marketing campaign

Adidas UK’s new experiential marketing campaign
By Vergil DAI
It is widely acknowledged that Adidas used to be a company mainly focus on traditional marketing. Schmitt (1999) state that traditional marketing regard consumers as rational decision makers who care about the quality and benefits of products. Therefore Adidas tried their best to produce comfortable, fashion and high quality products in last decades.

But Adidas promotion was no longer just about ‘showing off product’. Adidas UK’s head of brand marketing Barry Moore says the brand is moving to a more “responsible and spontaneous” marketing model to reintroduce itself to the new generation. It can be regard as the movement to experiential marketing. Experiential marketers recognize the emotional factors that influence human beings’ decision making, and focus on providing achieving pleasurable experience to customers (Schmitt, 1999).
As a response to Adidas’s new vision, which is reintroduce the brand to the next generation, Adidas started a new experiential marketing campaign in London on 18th February. Adidas built the X-shaped training space at Victoria Park to host ‘The X’ pop up, which aim to provide free fitness training experiences to young women during the park’s darker winter period. As the Adidas UK’s head of brand marketing said, Adidas is trying to make larger social impact and build relationship with consumers.
Smilansky (2009) figure out several benefits of experiential marketing which may be reasons of this new marketing campaign, including brand advocacy, bring brand personality to life, clear differentiation, emotional connection with target market. In this case, Adidas link their brand personality to heathy lifestyle and sport. By creating an interactive brand experience of free fitness training, Adidas can not only promote their brand personality to their target market (new generation), but also build customer loyalty and attract new customers.

 ‘The X’ is part of a wider investment in experiential pop-ups for its new city-based marketing structure, mainly focus on six global cities including LA, New York, London, Paris, Shanghai and Tokyo. The experiential marketing campaign in London is a start, Adidas will also set ‘The X’ pop up at other cities in the future.
As a reflection of this case, it shows that improving quality and decreasing the price of products is not enough for attracting customers and build long-term customer relationship in 21st century. Experience has become the new key for success of marketing.

Smilansky, S. (2009). Experiential marketing: A practical guide to interactive brand experiences (1st ed.). London: Kogan Page.

Schmitt, B. (1999). Experiential marketing. Journal of Marketing Management, 15(1), 53-67. doi:10.1362/026725799784870496


  1. how was the customer's comment about this new experiential marketing campaign? Maybe focusing on the customer's aspects at the same time will understand more clearly.

  2. Maybe the company of Adidas should focus on the customers' reflection in the future.

  3. A good example of experiential marketing!
